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EvapEmission_1_.pdf писал(а):Evaporative Emissions System Theory
On Board Refueling Vapor Recovery (ORVR) controls the pressure inside the fuel tank and collects fuels vapors during all vehicle operating conditions and during the time the vehicle is being refueled.
Valve Vent – Controls the flow of fuel vapors during the time the vehicle is being refueled.
Vent Line – Directs fuel vapors from the valve vent to the canister during the time the vehicle is being refueled.
Shut Valve – Closes the evaporation line when a filler gun is inserted into the filler neck. Prevents fuel vapors from escaping to atmosphere while refueling.
Drain Valve – Provides a pathway to atmosphere for air after the fuel vapors have been removed by the charcoal element of the canister (only while the vehicle is being refueled).
Pressure Control Valve (PCV) – Controls the flow of fuel vapors from the tank to the canister, except during the time the vehicle is being refueled. Also controls the flow of atmospheric pressure to the tank when a negative pressure develops.
While Refueling
As fuel fills the tank during refueling, the air inside the tank is displaced carrying fuel vapors with it.
This large increase in pressure opens the valve vent allowing the fuel vapors to the canister.
The continued filling of the tank pushes the remaining air and fuel vapors through the canister.
The charcoal element of the canister absorbs the fuel vapors an directs fuel vapor free air to the atmosphere though the drain valve and air filter.
The PCV is checked by the ECM for circuit malfunction.
Drain valve checks include circuit and performance checks.
ORVR система коллекционирует пары топлива при всех условиях, включая заправку авто.
При вставке заправочного ствола штатный канал адсорбера механически затыкается (Shut Valve), для того чтобы исключить любой контакт с атмосферой минуя адсорбер, так как в клапане контроля давления (PCV) есть связь с атмосферой (компенсация разряжения в баке).
При заправке повышается давление в баке и открывается клапан вентиляции (Valve Vent) - прямая труба к адсорберу (Vent Line). Все пары из бака вытесняются только через адсорбер и далее через выпускной клапан (Drain Valve) адсорбера и фильтер наружу.
В общем, если у меня оно таки сдохнет, то я бы Vent Line разветвил бы на пресловутую трубку к горловине...
А зеленым надо на дизели пересаживаться, а не бензинки мучать